Safety and Health Management Policy
    • We are striving to create a safe and healthy workplace by establishing safety and health management policies.

    • We are carrying out comprehensive safety activities to protect executives, employees, and stakeholders in accordance with our safety management policy.

    • All our workplaces are operated based on a safety and health management system (ISO 45001) certification, so we work hard to create safer and more comfortable workplaces at all times.

    1. In the process of planning and executing our businesses, we prioritize the value of safety and health over management efficiency and economic feasibility.
    2. We strictly comply with safety and health-related laws and regulations and actively carry out disaster prevention activities to achieve zero hazards.
    3. We improve the work environment continuously to ensure a safe and healthy life for internal and external stakeholders.
    4. We provide active support for activities to improve the safety and health disaster prevention capabilities of partners and achieve mutual growth through win-win cooperation.
    5. We establish a communication culture where all stakeholders are encouraged to freely present and accept opinions on safety and health.
    6. We continuously strengthen safety and health capabilities through effective safety and health education and training and make every effort to establish a culture that prioritizes safety and health.
    7. We strive to identify harmful factors and risks, carry out improvement activities through risk assessment, and realize prevention-oriented safety and health management.
    8. We establish and implement safety and health management goals and action plans, derive and supplement improvement activities based on evaluation, and continuously develop the safety and health management system.
    Safety and Health Activities

    We are carrying out various safety culture activities and accident prevention activities such as the 3-zero (Zero Hazard, Zero Accident, Zero Claim) movement, safety and health calendar, operation of the near-miss bulletin board and open chat, win-win safety activities with partners, frequent walk-through activities by the management, inspecting water-based fire extinguishing equipment according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA in the US) standards, and holding a safety and health culture day.

    • Yuhan Chemical, ‘An Excellent Company in Chemical Accident and Safety Prevention and Management’

    • 3-Zero (Zero Hazard, Zero Accident, Zero Claim) Award

    • Yuhan Chemical, ‘An Excellent Company in Process Safety Management Operation’

    In addition, we take responsibility for the health of our employees through various health management activities such as health promotion guidance by the health management agency, smoking cessation guidance, exercise, drinking, nutrition, and stress management, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training, general and special health checkups, emergency rescue training in confined spaces, investigation of harmful factors of work that burdens the musculoskeletal system, measurement of the work environment, etc.

    • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) practice

    • Measurement of the working environment in the chemical handling department

    • Personal health promotion guidance